For Members’ attention
- Memorandum and Rules IPAI
- Notice for 27th Annual General Meeting to be held on 22nd October 2024 (Tuesday)
- Celebration of IPAI foundation day on 24th February 2024 (Saturday) at ICISA Dear Members As part of celebration of IPAI foundation day, a get together has been scheduled on 24th February 2024 (Saturday) between 11.30 AM to 03.00 PM (including lunch) at Seminar Hall Room No. 213, International Centre for Information Systems and Audit (ICISA), Sector 62, Noida. IPAI invites all the members to attend the function with their spouse. Willing members may please confirm their participation (indicating whether participating alone or with spouse) on Email ( to help us in planning the logistical arrangements .IPAI Hqrs would be felicitating some senior members for their contribution to IPAI. They have been informed separately / individually.S.K. ChandilaSecretary
- Office of the Chief Auditor Municipal Corporation of Delhi has invited applications for Sr. Audit Officer Audit Officer and Assistant Audit Office to work on contract basis vide letter no. MCA/Admn./PCA/3-178/Vol-III/479 dated 20.12.2023 alongwith terms & Conditions and application pro-forma (copy attached). The last date of submission of application from is 22.01.2024 by post or thorough e-email at Interested members may apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at Link for 26th Annual General Meeting of IPAI held on 21st December 2023
- Agenda for 26th Annual General Meeting held on 21st December 2023
- Notice for 26th Annual General Meeting held on 21st December 2023
- Office of the Director General of Audit Steel Ranchi has invited applications for Sr. AOs (Commercial) to work as consultant in the post of Senior Audit Officer (Commercial) vide notice no. AG/GER/2023/1624 dated 20.10.2023 (copy attached). The last date of submission of application alongwith bio-data is 06.11.2023 by post or thorough e-email at Interested members may apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Arun Jaitley NIFM Please find attached letter dated 05.10.2023 for engagement of Faculty in Arun Jaitley National Institute of Financial Management NIFM, Faridabad vide letter dated 08.08.2023 which is self explanatory. Interested member may please sent their bio data directly to Shri Praveen Kumar, Director, Arun Jaitley National Institute of Financial Management NIFM, Pali Road, Sector 48, Faridabad, Haryana 121001 (email ID alongwith requisite documents under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at at the earliest.
- Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs (Foreigners – II Division) Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, India Gate Circle, New Delhi 110002 has invited application for engagement of retired Govt. officers at the level of Section Officer / Sr. Accounts Officer or Equivalent Level as Consultants in Foreigners – II Division of MHA initially for one year. The last date of submission of application is within 30 days of issue of circular (copy enclosed). The application may be sent either by post or Email at with a copy to
The interested and eligible members may apply in the prescribed format enclosed as Annexure II and application be sent in an envelop subscribing “Applications for appointment of consultant in FCRA (MU), Foreigners – II Division, MHA” as under:
The Under Secretary (MU-II)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Foreigners-II Division, Monitoring Unit,
Room No. 1, First Floor,
Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium,
India Gate Circle, New Delhi – 110002.Email:
IPAI may also be kept informed by email at
- Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Principal Accounts office, 1st Floor Jeevan Tara Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110001 has invited applications for engagement of 11 retired officers from Audit, Accounts and Financial Services of Central Govt. (Pay level 9 & 10) as consultant for Risk Based Internal Audit of Schemes for a period of 1 year. The last date of submission of application through Email / Speed Post is 25th August 2023. Copy of the circular dated 08.08.2023 along with Annexure is enclosed for ready reference.
Interested and eligible members may directly apply to Senior Accounts officer (Admin) M/o Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Gate No.4, 1st Floor, Jeevan Tara Building, New Delhi – 110001 under intimation to IPAI at Circular Format - Think tank meeting to be held on 18th August 2023.
- Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate change, New Delhi has invited applications to engage 06 retired Sr. AOs/AOs as consultant for internal audit on contractual basis. The last date for submission of application is 08.08.2023. Copies of circular dated 20.07.2023 and Proforma for application are enclosed for ready reference. Interested and eligible members may directly apply online at their email id in the prescribed format under intimation to IPAI at
- National School of Drama, New Delhi has invited ‘online’ applications from retired officers for 4 positions of consultants in the department i.e. Centre Cell and Academics, Administration, Finance and Accounts and Estate (one in each category) to work as consultant purely on contractual basis. The last date of submission of online application is 05.07.2023. Copies of the vacancy Notice alongwith the eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, remuneration etc. are enclosed for ready reference. Interested and eligible members may directly apply online to NSD on their mail under intimation to IPAI at
- The office of the Arun Jaitely National Institute of Financial Management Faridabad has invited applications from serving and retired IA&AS officer to fill up the position of Professor/Team Leader for Procurement Research Centre, to head the team. The last date of submission of application alongwith biodata is 16.06.2023. Interested member may please sent their bio data directly to Shri Prabhat R. Acharya, Director, Arun Jaitely National Institute of Financial Management NIFM, Pali Road, Sector 48, Faridabad, Haryana 121001 alongwith requisite documents under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at A copy each of D.O. Letters dated 11th and 30th May 2023 addressed to Ms. Parveen Mehta, IA&AS Dy. CAG (HR&Trg.) office of the CAG of India, New Delhi are attached for ready reference.
- Office of the Accountant General of Audit Telangana, Hyderabad has invited applications from retired Sr. Audit Officers (Civil or Commercial) on short term contract basis vide circular no. AG(Au)/TS/Admn.-I/Recruitment/F-77A/Vol.II/2023-24 dated 22nd May 2023 (copy attached). Interested member may sent their bio data directly to Sr. Audit Officer (Admn.), Office of the Accountant General of Audit Telangana, Hyderabad by post or through email at alongwith requisite documents under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Please find attached a letter dated 26.05.2023 alongwith its enclosures received from office of the Dy. Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distributors, 4th Floor Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001 proposing to engage 08 retired Sr. AOs/AOs as consultant for Risk Based Internal Audit Scheme. Interested members may please apply directly to Senior Accounts officer (Admn.) Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distributors, 4th Floor Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001 under intimation to the undersigned at
- Extension of date for hiring of retired SAO on short term contract basis in the office of Director General of Audit Northern Railway Baroda House, New Delhi This is in continuation of our WhatsApp massage dated 17.04.20222 on the above subject. It is hereby, informed that the last date for submission of application has been extended till 05.5.2023. A copy of the letter no. Adm/12-38/2017 dated 01.05.2023 from Office of the DGA, Northern Railway Board House, New Delhi is attached for your ready reference. Interested members may apply directly as indicated in above referred letter under intimation to IPAI at on or before 05.05.2023.
- Requirement of consultants for preparation of procurement manuals – – goods, works and services of ITDC This is in continuation of the President, IPAI WhatsApp announcement dated 18th April 2023 on IPAI professional group regarding preparation of procurement manuals – goods, works and services of ITDC (copy attached with scope etc.). Interested members may send their willingness alongwith short synopsis of work plan and expected remuneration to us by 21st April 2023 (Friday) through email at or
- Office of the Director General of Audit Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi has invited applications from retired Sr. Audit Officers Audit Officers on short term contract basis vide circular no.No. Admn./12-38/2/2017 dated 12.04.2023 (copy attached) to work as consultants. The last date of submission of application alongwith bio-data is 30.04.2023. The application in prescribed proforma may be sent to Sr. Audit Officer (Admn.), Office of the Director General of Audit, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi by post or through email at Interested members may please apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Hiring of retired SAO-AO reg. Engagement of Consultants on contract basis against the vacant post Office of the Chief Auditor, Municipal Corporation of Delhi has invited applications from retired Sr. Audit Officers/Audit Officers and Asstt. Audit Officer vide circular no. No. MCA/Admn./PCA/3-178/Vol-III/551 dated 31.03.2023 (copy attached) to work as consultants. The last date of submission of application alongwith, bio-data to Municipal Chief Auditor Municipal Corporation of Delhi, 27th Floor, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi. The application in prescribed proforma may be sent at official address or through email at latest by 21.04.2023. Interested members may please apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Notice PAG Chennai Office of the Principal Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlements), Tamil Nadu Chennai has invited application from retired Sr. Accounts Officer / Supervisors Asst. Supervisors / Sr. Accountant/Accountant to work as short term contract basis in his office vide notice no. PAG(A&E)/Estt.I/Rectt/2022-23/194 dated 21.03.2023 (copy attached). The last date of submission of application, alongwith bio-data addressed to Sr. Deputy Accountant General (Admn.) by post or through email at, is latest by 20.04.2023. Interested members may apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Notification for Outsourcing of Officers on contract basis Office of the Director General of Commercial Audit, Chennai has invited application from retired Sr. Audit Officers (Commercial) / Asst. Audit Officers (Commercial), Supervisors / Asst. Supervisors Senior Auditors / Auditors vide notice no. DGCA/ADMN.IV/4-13/2022-23/647 dated 22.03.2023 (copy attached) to work as consultants. The last date of submission of application alongwith, bio-data to Sr. Deputy Director (Admn..) office of Director General of Commercial Audit, Chennai, by post or through email at is latest by 10.04.2023. Interested members may please apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Notice Director General of Audit Office of the (Central Expenditure) New Delhi has invited application for Sr. AOs (Civil) vide notice no. Admn.I/5-23/Hiring of retired personnel/2023-24/5206-5208 dated 16.03.2023 (copy attached). The last date of submission of application alongwith bio-data to Director (Admn.) is 22.03.2023. Interested members may apply directly under intimation to IPAI hqrs. at
- Office of the Accountant General (Audit), Telangana, Hyderabad has invited applications for Sr. AOs (Civil Commercial retired) vide Notice no. 104 dated 28.02.2023 The last date of submission of application is 17.03.2023. The application will be sent by speed post or through email at by 17.03.2023. Interested members may apply directly under intimation to IPAI Hqrs. at
- IPAI get-together
- Hiring of retired officers officials on short term contract basis
- Revised Notice and Link for Think Tank Meeting on “Performance audit and evaluation of schemes” on 16th January 2023
- Notice and Link for Think Tank Meeting on “Performance audit and evaluation of schemes” on 16th January 2023
- Recruitment of Accounts officer in Resident Commissioner Govt of Gujarat on contractual basis
- Notice and Agenda 25th AGM IPAI
- National Institute of Technology, Delhi located at Plot No. FA7, Zone P1, GT Karnal Road, Delhi – 110036 needs the services of one retired officer from Indian Audit and Accounts Department at the level of Sr. AO or AO. Willing members may kindly apply directly to the registrar NIT Delhi with their bio data at email under intimation to IPAI Hq. New Delhi at email
- Notice and link for Think Tank Meeting on Transition to Green Energy 25 November 20222
- Notice and Link for Think Tank Meeting on Auditing the Health Sector (28.10.2022)
- Notification-Short term contract basis in the office of Pr. Accountant General (Audit-II) Tamil Nadu and Puducherry
- Requirement of consultant in Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University
- Requirement of volunteers for Forensic Audit of Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Limited (RMGL) and Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon South Limited (RMGSL), Gurgaon
- Engagement of Consultant on contract basis against one post of Sr AO – NCERT
- Next IPAI Think Tank meeting on Reimagining MSO Audit on 22.06.2022
- Filling up the post of Accounts officer in Govt. of Gujarat
- Appointment to the posts of Financial Adviser
- Filling up the post of Accounts officer in Delhi State Legal Services Authority